Cake Smash Preparation guide
Thank you so much for booking with Turn the Page Photography for baby's cake smash!
It is important to schedule your appointment as soon as possible. We typically
recommend scheduling your appointment at least 5 weeks before your child's birthday to ensure photos to be chosen and edited on time to have for your child's birthday.
The address to the studio is
1012 Shirley Dr.
Clarksville, TN 37042
This is address will bring you to a neighborhood, the entire downstairs is converted into a studio. So please don't be surprised when you see a house.
If you end up lost please call 931-419-9946
Tardiness is 100% not tolerated in our studio. Sessions are scheduled well in advance and we expect that you show up on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your session, you will be rescheduled and will be charged $150 rescheduling fee, absolutely no exceptions. If you are late and do not want to be rescheduled and charged the fee, you will not be refunded your session fees. So it is extremely important to show up on time, we cannot stress this enough.
Session Preparation:
Bring a towel. We do a splash bath for baby at the end. This is always optional, but it makes for extremely cute pictures! Please bring your own towel to dry your baby off after.
Bring your props the day before if you're doing a parent provides all session. If you chose to have your set customized by me then please ignore this.
Don't forget the cake! Make sure to pack the cake. If you are doing a session where I provide the cake for you please ignore this.
Bring a spare outfit and bag. Going home covered in cake is never fun, please make sure to pack a spare change of clothes, lots of baby wipes, and a spare bag to take the dirty clothes home in!
One Week Before. One week before try feeding baby cake! It's very normal for baby's to get overstimulated, especially when we're encouraging them to make a mess when normally we don't want them to. Being in a new place, with a stranger, and then weird food with weird textures can results in a meltdown. To avoid this, a week before try encouraging just a small piece of cake with frosting to get them used to the feeling and texture.
Siblings. Please make sure that siblings are with someone that the day of the session. My studio is very small and not much for small children to do, so we ask if they're not being photographed to please remain at home with someone able to care for them.
Nap Time. Please make sure that when you schedule you account for baby's nap time. This is super important! A lot of babies are very stranger danger and when they're tired it makes it a lot worse. To ensure nice smiley pictures, please please please, schedule either in the morning or after baby's nap time.
Bring a favorite toy. In case baby needs a break or distraction this will help comfort baby and even can encourage them to look at the camera.
Pack bite sized favorite foods. If baby doesn't like quite like the cake, hiding puffs and favorite tiny snacks can help encourage them trying to pick at the cake.
Allergies. Please make sure that any known allergies are brought up to me weeks before the session!
Anything else we need to know?
Fill out the form and let us know!